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Thinking about contracting developers? Reduce costs and risks due to the fact that

We can integrate with your own team

The development team will take you to the next level.


"Working with Lean Mind is a pleasure: their commitment, their attitude and their enthusiasm... at Holaluz we are very happy with our colleagues at Lean Mind."

Eli, HolaLuz


"They delivered on the skills they promised us. We value their transparency and honesty."

Víctor, GuideSmiths


"We all feel a sense of responsibility for our work because we have full trust in you. Unconsciously, you know that you are the face of the company."

Yodra, Lean Mind

More than clients, you are partners, that's why


We talk face to face

It’s very nice to work with professionals you can talk to. We enhance communication by working in pairs or in groups, giving and asking for continuous feedback. We are always available to collaborate and learn with you.


is our philosophy 🤓

We look for agile and efficient solutions so that your software is ready as soon as possible and makes an impact.


We write the code with you 💙 and your business in mind 🦄

Our vision is for the code to be foolproof and easily changed. That it adapts and matures well over time. The best thing about the code we write is that it documents your business knowledge like a good book.


Quality from the start 🙊🙉🙈

Quality is there through the entire process. As W. Edwards Deming would say "inspection for quality improvement is too late, too ineffective and too expensive"


Our professionalism is based on working on our limitations

Our sense of responsibility motivates us to keep working when the going gets tough. We are involved in the community; in conferences and other professional events. We continuously reinvent ourselves by dedicating at least five hours a week to further training.

I imagine you have already realised that...

we are looking for something serious with you, and with your business

All the relationships we have with our clients are based on commitment, honesty and professionalism. That is why we value cultural exchange, and similar company philosophy and values. This translates into these SUCCESS STORIES with our clients



Empowering teams.



Empowering teams.



Empowering teams.



Empowering teams.



Empowered teams.

Pablo Pazos, Founder & CEO of Barkibu

Pablo Pazos, Founder & CEO of Barkibu

Fully integrated with LeanMind

The Lean Mind team is already a key part of our company. They are technically very good and work with a level of transparency and honesty that is hard to come by in the tech industry. The best thing for us is they let us work with them as an extension of our own development team, fully integrated into our team, processes and methodologies. We will continue to work together for many years to come.

Vicent Soria, CTO at B-Wom

Vicent Soria, CTO at B-Wom

We are delighted with the Lean Mind team

They are very committed to continuous improvement and the quality of what they deliver. We couldn't be happier.

Manuel Morales, Director of Software Engineering at Workshare

Manuel Morales, Director of Software Engineering at Workshare

Lean Mind was the right choice

Carlos provided a team of developers who fitted into our company in no time. Both teams worked as one and the resulting code remains solid and easy to maintain today.

Mánu Fosela, Head of Software Development

Mánu Fosela, Head of Software Development

It is a pleasure to rely on Lean Mind every time we need professional and human quality.

At KairósDS we love working with Lean Mind because of their values and the excellence of their work. They care about people and deliver high quality projects. Thanks to Lean Mind, we formed a group of 16 junior developers and taught them the fundamental basics that any good developer should have: Knowledge of Clean Code, TDD/BDD, Patterns and Algorithm, Object/Component Oriented Architectures, etc. They are now qualified professionals who are contributing to the development world.

Ismael Ordaz, Product Owner at Skingdom

Ismael Ordaz, Product Owner at Skingdom

Working with Lean Mind has been an absolute pleasure

They have capable developers, who work well and are excellent people who always help Skingdom improve its value proposition.



We boost the professional growth of your development team