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The Lucky Organiser: SoCraTes Canaries (Socracan) 2020

By Dácil Casanova

When I first met Carlos in 2003 and he repaired my computer (it was part of his job at that time), I told him that he had to be proud of working on what he had been studying for… He explained me that he was not and I learned that a computer engineer is not the one who fixes the household appliances… Although I still blame him when the router doesn’t work or the karaoke crashes haha.

Since Carlos is an eager, enthusiastic and proactive developer, I have got the great opportunity of meeting maaaaaaany eager, enthusiastic and proactive developers. Developers who belong to an extraordinary community and try to have a positive impact on the world. Carlos went to his first Socrates in 2012, returned to Tenerife completely in love with the event and started thinking about the idea of making a Socrates here… Socracan was on the way!

It has been 6 years since the first edition of Socrates Canaries and we (all the organisers) haven’t stop learning from every one of you. Young developers who give us lessons of braveness and vitality and senior ones who inspire us all. Professional and personal experiences mix up and the result is a unique cocktail that makes us want more and more. When we started planning the 6th edition, one thing was quite clear: we wanted to go back to the origins and make everyone feel even more connected so an isolated place was required. ITER came to our mind. Since the place is oriented to renewable energies we realized that we could also help the planet a little. Once I get to visit the houses, I felt that it was definitely the place. Everything was just WOW! As the date approached, I began to feel worried that you would have lost all the advantages of staying in a city center hotel, the nights before I slept very badly. All that fear went away once you came to me to tell me how happy you were. Four days together that well worth the long preparation. In addition to celebrating Socracan at ITER, we thought that would be mind-blowing if the carbon footprint of the attendants could be offset. So we just decided that the sponsors contribution would be used for that purpose. Almost 30% of people came from Tenerife itself and 15% aproximately came from Gran Canaria so emissions were lower due to this fact. The total amount of CO2 was 26 tons and the chosen project is related to reforestation in Nicaragua, the number of trees that will be planted from our purchase is 145!!! - find the certificate here

Thanks once again to our sponsors Partnos, Hyve, Codium, Software Crafters, Aida and Lean Mind for their extremely important support.

Also thanks a million to:

See you next year!!!!

Love, Dácil

Published on 2020/02/13 by Dácil Casanova

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